Embrace the Changes of September 

It is almost the end of August, and I know no one wants to hear this (but not hearing it does not make it less real): September is around the corner and with it, the return to stricter and perhaps more complicated schedules. There is the back-to-school rush (if you have school-aged children), back to regular working hours, shorter days, extracurricular activities, and so on. 

Despite the downpours here in Ontario throughout the summer, hopefully, for many of us, summer days have brought a positive change in our routines. Perhaps an intended slower pace (that was my goal for this summer), a relaxed environment at work, vacations for some, and longer nights to spend outdoors in fun conversations with family and close friends. So, not surprisingly, September can look dreadful… 

Easing Back into Routine 

Our last newsletters have been a little “in-depth” with topics of menopause, environmental toxins, and metabolism. So, in the spirit of the slower pace of the summer months, I wanted to use this newsletter to help you ease into the routine with grace by sharing some ideas that you may want to consider as September approaches. 

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule 

Start slowly getting back into a regular sleep schedule – we have talked many times about the importance of keeping a regular sleep schedule for the best rest, but of course, with longer days in the summer, it is no surprise that for many of us, that regular schedule may have shifted a little (or a lot). Your body and brain need time to adjust to changes, and if you have been going to bed at 11:30 pm every night for the past months, don’t expect to fall asleep easily at 10:00 pm on September 2. Take the next few weeks to start tuning that time, perhaps by 15-minute increments, so by the time you need it, your eyes will be shut, and you’ll be asleep at your regular time. 

Reestablish a Realistic Eating Routine 

Slowly return to a regular and realistic eating schedule – I do not know about you, but during the summer months, especially during the weekends and long weekends, regular eating schedules shift considerably. Sometimes it is by eating twice a day (albeit big meals) or eating at irregular times; later breakfasts, late dinners, for instance. Whatever it has looked like for you, easing your way into a realistic routine is key. I say realistic because it needs to be sustainable. Start with one of your meals and bring it back to a regular routine, then the next, and so on. 

Maintain a Colorful Diet 

Keep the bounty of colors in your meals – the summer produce is undeniably the best and most colorful of the year. I have made it a custom to visit Farmer’s Markets (Hamilton has one that is open year-round), and we have taken the time to visit farms in our area to understand more about how the food we eat is produced and by whom. If you have been enjoying the colors of summer, do not stop now. While fall and winter may not be as colorful as summer, they bring their own share of goodness. If you read our article about environmental toxins, one fantastic way to minimize them is by eating foods that are “in-season.” Apples and pears, anyone? 

Plan Your Meals 

Meal Plan – Well, there is no way of sugar-coating this: meal planning can give you time back and maintain your health. During the summer months, we try (at least I do) to plan less and simply go with the flow. I love to cook and, as mentioned above, I enjoy visiting farms in the summer and taking advantage of what they offer to cook at home. However, the reality is that when the world goes back into routine, cooking becomes part of the chores. While I still enjoy it, it remains a chore. Meal planning can play many roles, from saving an enormous amount of money since you will only be shopping for what you and your family will consume, to helping you avoid the overflowing choices of ready meals and fast food that can be very tempting. 

Align Schedules with Values 

Check your values and plan accordingly – I like September as an opportunity to create new spaces and plans more than January 1st of any given year. Since schedules in September are brand new for many of us, it is a great opportunity to, to the extent possible, align our schedules with our values and find spaces amidst our busy lives to schedule activities that align with them. We can all do this, whether you have a picky boss or are an entrepreneur and owner of your time. If you can only afford 5 or 10 minutes every day to do something that is consistent with your values, you are already in a good starting point. So don’t dismiss the little time. Rather, enjoy it! 

I can only hope that the end of your summer is full of long, beautiful days in the company of your family and friends. Or perhaps, if you are like me, enjoying quiet time outdoors in the company of one or many books, so you are recharged with good energy for September. 

Have a wonderful end of summer and you can always find more resources like this by visiting our website.